What Is the Episode Where Quark Yells About Wanting to Serve Root Beer Again
Pictured: Odo screwing the female changeling (and screwing all his friends over)
This episode starts off with Sisko giving a Rousing Speech after a battle confronting the Dominion. Almost immediately afterwards, he gets promoted to Adjutant to Admiral Ross, and thus is removed from control of the Defiant. In club to handle a massive sensor assortment that the Dominion uses to rail Federation and Klingon movements (including cloaked Klingon ships), Sisko comes up with a plan to set on the array through a dangerous part of space. But because of his promotion, Dax volition be the i in charge of the Defiant. Despite Sisko's worries, the Defiant is successful in her mission and Sisko knows that the ship is in good hands.
Merely for once, the focus of the episode is primarily on those even so on Deep Space Nine. We start off with Kira and Rom observing the Cardassians and the Jem'Hadar from a balcony on Quark'southward. Damar comes into the bar, clearly irritated about something. Turns out that Rom swiped a PADD containing a memo that expressed Damar's worries about a shortage of Ketracel White (which may have been caused past Sisko destroying a Ketracel White depot at the starting time of the season). Damar worries that if the supply lines for Ketracel White are not opened up shortly, a shortage of White would probable mean the Jem'Hadar running amok. To that end, Damar was proposing that the remaining supply be poisoned to avert that situation.
And wouldn't y'all know information technology, the missing pad ends upwardly in the hands of some Jem'Hadar, courtesy of Rom. Several Jem'Hadar angrily confront Damar over this memo, and when Quark tries to defuse the state of affairs, he gets thrown over the bar and a total fledged brawl between Cardassians and Jem'Hadar starts, with several on each side catastrophe upwardly expressionless. Both Dukat and Weyoun are apoplectic over Damar losing such a memo, before jointly deciding to confine those involved to quarters. While Weyoun and Dukat endeavour to figure out how this brawl came to pass, Odo on the other hand knows exactly what happened. Turns out when Rom swiped the PADD, there was a discussion betwixt Rom, Jake, Kira, and Odo on what to exercise with information technology. Odo thought it was a bad idea to leave the PADD with the Jem'Hadar and left. Just Rom, Jake, and Kira conspicuously thought otherwise. Odo is downright furious: if the Cardassians or the Dominion were to find out that Kira was responsible, non only would it requite Dukat an excuse to kicking all Bajorans off Terok Nor, simply it would besides requite the Cardassians a reason to increment hostilities confronting Bajor itself. Kira is unrepentant: with their supply lines cut off from the Federation, and Bajor accepting help from the Dominion, Kira knows that there is a 2d occupation going on. She accuses Odo of trying to maintain a status quo on Deep Space Nine.
Their argument is non helped by the arrival of the Female Shapeshifter. Almost immediately, she can recognize Odo'south affection to Kira and starts to capitalize on Odo'due south emotional state. She offers to give him some clarity by linking with him. Odo accepts, but is in a completely unlike state of listen later. When Odo admits to linking with the Female Shapeshifter to Kira, Kira is furious. Kira tin can see that the Female Shapeshifter is trying to dispense him only Odo reassures her that is not going to happen.
Later, Quark stumbles into a meeting with Rom, Jake, Odo, and Kira, conspicuously plastered. Turns out that he had a few drinks with Damar who basically told him his plans to take downwards the minefield. Rom knows exactly how he would be able to reach this and how he tin thwart Damar's plans. But in lodge to do so, Rom needs to gain access to a particular power conduit and commit his demolition before Damar can put his plan into motion. The only hitch? The power conduit is in a secured junction and is also protected by a security alarm. Odo says he tin get effectually this by taking down the alarms equally function of a routine diagnostic. Kira proposes that the Odo get-go this at 0800 hours and so Rom can do his piece of work.
Unfortunately, the Female person Shapeshifter has picked upward this moment to link with Odo once again. Subsequently sneaking Rom into a conduit, she goes to Odo'southward office to confirm that he is disabling the warning. Simply when she sees that Odo is non in his office, she rushes dorsum to the conduit to cease Rom from tripping the alert. Unfortunately he already did, and is promptly arrested by Damar and the Cardassians. Kira angrily confronts Odo over his inaction and immediately knows that he linked with the Female person Shapeshifter over again. She accuses Odo of essentially handing the Alpha Quadrant over to the Dominion, but he doesn't seem to intendance about anything, including the fate of Bajor or his friendship with Kira. She storms off as the Female Shapeshifter appears from a wall, knowing that she has successfully turned Odo against his erstwhile allies.
This episode contains examples of:
- As Y'all Know: Kira and Rom chronicle the events leading up to the Bar Brawl, past narrating events as they're watching them in Quark's bar.
- Badass Boast: Sisko (and later Dax) practise a "telephone call and response" ane with the Defiant coiffure every time they use upwardly a phaser power cell after they return to base.
Sisko/Dax: (holds power cell in their hands) Accept a good look at this, people. It says something about this send. It says that nosotros will fight, and nosotros will proceed on fighting, until we can't fight whatever more!
Coiffure: Yeah, sir!
Sisko/Dax: Yous don't just throw something like this away.
Crew: No, sir!
- Bar Brawl: Between the Cardassians and the Jem'Hadar. Unlike nearly in Star Expedition, this one has a body count.
- Meliorate Than Sex: The link seems to exist this for Odo.
- Phone call-Dorsum:
- Damar's worries nearly a shortage of Ketracel White is likely a direct impact of the destruction of the Ketracel White depot at the easily of Sisko.
- To the root beer chat with Garak in "The Style of the Warrior." When the Dominion invaded the station, Quark was all too happy to throw out his root beer and "hew-mon" nutrient for his new Cardassian customers. At present, after living with the Cardassians, Vorta, and Jem'Hadar for months, he finally breaks down and in tears says he wants the Federation dorsum, he wants to sell root beer once more.
- Contemplate Our Navels: Odo's preferred post-linking action.
- Da Chief: Captain Sisko is promoted to this position, to his chagrin.
- Didn't See That Coming:
- Sisko is cyberbanking on this when planning to set on the assortment through the Argolis cluster, a dangerous function of infinite. It works.
- Quark berates Rom for non coming upward with a redundancy to handle if the mines are exposed to an anti-graviton beam that disables the mine's cocky replicating unit of measurement. Rom admits he didn't think of that possibility.
- Dispense with the Pleasantries: After giving Weyoun his moment to praise her, the Female Changeling cuts short Dukat'southward long-winded speech about how they are equal partners going into a glorious future and bluntly asks about the condition of the minefield.
- Don't Yous Dare Pity Me!: Odo doesn't want the female changeling'southward compassion re his feelings for Kira. Instead, she offers him clarity via the link.
- The Dreaded: While plastered, Quark says he wants the Federation back, but he adds he tin can't relax because he knows there are thousands of Jem'Hadar ships on the other side of the wormhole and that Damar has figured out how to let them come through.
- Dutch Courage: Quark turns up to La RĂ©sistance coming together drunk, because he certainly wouldn't aid them while sober.
- Easily Forgiven: Lampshaded. Odo is completely perplexed that the Female person Changeling is talking to him every bit though nothing had happened.
- Explicate, Explain... Oh, Crap!: When Quark tells the conspirators that Damar volition utilise the station's deflector array to disable the minefield, Rom assures them it's incommunicable...until he starts working out the engineering technobabble in his caput and figures out exactly how to practise it. Cue worried looks from anybody in the room.
- G-Rated Sex: The link, one time once more.
- Heroic BSoD: It'southward probable the kanar talking, but Quark admittedly breaks down in front end of Kira's resistance cell. He doesn't like the Cardassians, who are hateful and arrogant, and he especially doesn't like the Jem'Hadar, who are
creepy and just stand around like statues. No matter what he said earlier, he wants to sell root beer again. Quark does partly snap out of it later on the commercial break, once he's had a take a chance to sober up.
- Hidden Depths: Damar demonstrates considerable technical skill past figuring out how to bring down the minefield. More, his solution is to do it in such a way that O'Brien and Rom never idea of.
- Idiot Ball: Odo essentially gambles that he tin can have what the female Founder is offer without compromising himself or his values in whatsoever manner. It... doesn't work out that way.
- I Take My Ways: Nog manages to become ahold of existent Saurian brandy during a war. Fortunately, Admiral Ross chooses not to pry.
- I Need a Freaking Potable: Damar is already testy before the bar ball, equally Kira points out, demanding a beverage from Quark. Things apace go From Bad to Worse. Subsequently things modify and he shares a bottle with Quark to celebrate. Unfortunately this enables Quark to become information from Damar.
- Incredibly Lame Pun:
Quark: I merely had a bottle of kanar, with Damar. Ha ha ha ha ha! That rhymes!
- In Wine Veritas: Quark invokes this with Damar, but in doing and then falls under its influence.
- Irony: When the Female Changeling says she came to the station because she wanted to be with ane of her own kind, Odo lampshades this and notes how he was turned into a solid the final fourth dimension they saw each other.
- Kicked Upstairs / Soldiers at the Rear: Slight subversion, as the promotion was due to Sisko being extremely good at his chore, as opposed to incompetent. He isn't terribly happy about it.
- Permit'south Y'all and Him Fight: The fight between the Jem'Hadar and Cardassians at the kickoff is due to the meddling of Kira and Rom. Kira wants to continue formenting dissension between the two races, but Odo opposes it because if they're defenseless, it would be just the excuse the Dominion would need to kick every Bajoran off the station.
- Mathematician'southward Answer: When Kira asks Damar if he knows where Odo is, Damar simply answers "aye" to piss her off. Instead of taking the bait, she gets him to give the real answer by needling him about his credible demotion.
- Mood Whiplash: Quark's drunken appearance at the resistance meeting starts out funny, turns a bit depressed as he misses the Federation, and becomes full of dread when he talks about how the mines will shortly come downwards.
- Nice Job Breaking Information technology, Hero: Kira's resistance cell uses Damar's own writings to start the Bar Brawl. This naturally gets Damar in hot water with Dukat and Weyoun, and so he gain to make up for it by figuring out how to bring downwards the minefield. Not but that, past brushing off Odo's concerns, Kira left him in a mental country prone to exploitation by the Female Shapeshifter.
- Now You Tell Me: When Kira sees that Odo is not at his station to disable the station'south alarms equally per The Plan, she quickly tells Rom not to open up the console to the computer—just as he does exactly that, setting off the aforementioned alarms.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: The Defiant destroying the Rule sensor array.
- Oh, Crap!:
- When the brawl breaks out and apace becomes vicious, Kira quietly backs away. Rom, however, is transfixed, conspicuously unprepared for how violent the success of their plan is.
- Kira, when she sees that Odo isn't at his postal service when he needs to exist. And so Rom, when he opens up the computer and sets off the alert.
- Punishment Item: When Kira sees Damar in Odo's office, she asks him if Dukat demoted him after the Bar Brawl.
- Rage Breaking Indicate: Afterward several episodes of maintaining a somewhat uncharacteristic stoicism, Odo's negligence sends Kira right over the edge. Information technology'southward rather terrifying the way she storms through the station to confront Odo—her expression suggesting that she's determined to notice a style to murder a Changeling with her bare hands.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Literally, afterward the Cardassians and Jem'Hadar fight in Quark's Bar.
Weyoun: How could Damar be so stupid and so as to leave such an inflammatory certificate lying around for anyone to find?!
Gul Dukat: Your men stole it from him!
Weyoun: Jem'Hadar are not thieves!
Gul Dukat: And Damar is not a liar!
Weyoun: Go on...your voice down. [smiles] Our men need to come across that nosotros are yet allies. Smile!
[Dukat bitterly does and so]
Weyoun: [through his teeth] Dukat!
Gul Dukat: I'one thousand smiling!
- Besides Dumb to Live: Weyoun and Dukat are saying this to Damar in all but name for losing a pad with such a damaging memo contained within.
- The Un-Smile: Surprisingly, Dukat can't fake a smiling to save his life. His endeavor comes across as if he's trying to suppress a corking deal of hurting. The fact that he and Weyoun are currently pissed at each other might accept something to do with it.
- Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Some other example where The Plan is thoroughly discussed before it falls autonomously. This fourth dimension, even so, information technology's not because of an blow or an unforeseeable complexity; it'due south because Odo buggered it up.
- Wham Line: "He said he came upwardly with a way to deactivate the mines. Dukat wants him to start field tests right abroad."
- What the Hell, Hero?: Kira gives Odo a major butt-chewing for linking with the female changeling and letting Rom get captured.
- You Are in Command Now: Discussed. Dax takes over the Defiant when Sisko gets promoted, though she doesn't Rank Up. She however gets called "Captain" as O'Brien tells Nog the tradition that the person in control of a ship, regardless of rank, is addressed as "Captain." Nog excitedly asks if he had to take command, would he be chosen "Captain" too. O'Brien promptly deflates his ego by saying "Buck, by the time you took control, there'd exist no i left to telephone call you lot anything."
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/StarTrekDeepSpaceNineS06E04BehindTheLines